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What is Solar PV?

Solar Panels can be fitted to almost any roof and is a great way to start generating your own electricity, saving on your electrical bills and reduce your carbon footprint. With panels and inverters improving all the time, we are able to tailor and design our PV systems to the requirements and parameters of each individual client and their roof; whether it be new build or retrofit, roof mounted or ground mounted.

How does Solar PV work?

The Solar PV (photovoltaic) system uses a collection of cells to convert thermal energy from sunlight to electrical energy that you can use in your home or business, or store in batteries until it is needed. The greater intensity of light will result in a great flow of electricity.

Our aim is to maximise electricity generated and to help you manage it effectively so that you have the ability to become some-what sufficient. You will still have an electrical bill, however this will be dramatically reduced and will ultimately be a representation of your evening and night time usage.
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 PV Panels

PV Panels can be installed to almost any south facing roof

 Vehicle Charging

Charge your vehicles with your free electricity

 Thermal Energy

Thermal Energy from the panels can then be used to provide your house with electricity.

Solar Mounting Options

On-Roof Solar Panel Mounting

This standard roof mounting option is constructed on stainless steel brackets that are fitted underneath the panels.

The brackets are attached directly to the roof rafters, and then rails are fixed to the brackets and secures solar panels in place on the rails.
In-Roof Solar Panel Mounting
In-Roof solar panel mounting is the most popular option for new builds, and it gives the roof a seamless finish.

The system involves removing a small number of tiles from the roof to install a tray (water barrier) where the panel is then fitted into place with brackets above.

The installation is more complex than on-roof, so it does come with an extra cost.
Ground Mount Solar Panel Mounting

When a roof mount isn’t an option, a ground mount could be.

Ground mount solar panel systems are quite self-explanatory, with panels being mounted and fixed on a metal frames which are concreted to a base.

The install is much easier, and can provide a greater efficiency as the panels are able to cool, but this type of installation does require planning permission.
Flat Roof Solar Panel Mounting

Flat roof solar panel installations also have great potential.

Using tilted trays, panels can be angled in the preferred southerly direction.

Additionally, if access to the roof is easy, then these installs can avoid scaffolding and this significantly reduces the overall price.

Benefits of Solar PV

  • Generate your own electricity, therefore reducing your electrical bills
  • Reducing your carbon footprint by using free accessible energy sources
  • Reliable, silent and sustainable system to power your home or business
  • Easily installed, with the option of in-roof or above-roof mounting kits
  • Flexibility to fit on any roof, whether slanted roof, flat roof or field
  • Very little maintenance
  • Ability to store electrical energy in battery storage until it is needed
  • 20-25 year warranty.

Solar Export Guarentee:

Another fantastic benefit of having Solar PV, is that any left over solar generated electricity, can be sold back to the grid. This means your solar generated electricity is not wasted, and you are able to make a bit of money back on your investment. 

So, how does it work? You will need to contact your energy provider and supply them with with your MCS Certificate, DNO Acknowledgement, and Proof of Title / Receipted Invoices, all of which will be sent in your handover pack when the final invoice has been paid. 

We have been installing solar systems for over 20 years, being one of the first companies in the UK to become accredited, so you are in good hands!
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Solar PV Choices


Inverter Upgrades

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Maximising Your Generation

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Solar PV-T

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